Youth hunt promotes wildlife refuge status for Dunbar Slough

photo by Dan Towers
photo by Dan Towers

A group of 15 young hunters participated in a youth pheasant hunt hosted by the Carroll County chapter of Pheasants Forever last Saturday. The hunt was free, but the youngsters had to have completed the hunter education class and provide their own shotgun, shells and DNR-required habitat stamp.

Youngsters from Carroll, Greene and Guthrie counties participated. The hunt was planned to promote the bill introduced in the US Senate by Sen Tom Harkin to achieve a national wildlife refuge designation for the Southern Prairie Pothole project, including the Dunbar Slough area in southwest Greene County.

The photo was taken on Whiterock Conservancy’s Terrill farm south of Ralston. Most of the day was spent at the AVAD Hunt Club’s game preserve near Dedham. All 15 young hunters bagged a rooster pheasant that day.

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